Overlord Anime

Overlord is a dark fantasy anime based on its Japanese novel counterpart written by Kugane Maruyama. Season 1 of Overlord was a series of thirteen episodes that premiered in Summer 2015 and it covers the first three volumes of the light novels. Produced by Madhouse and directed by Naoyuki Itou, the anime adaptation began airing from July 7 to September 29, 2015. The opening theme is "Clattanoia" by OxT while the ending theme is "L.L.L." by Myth & Roid. Two compilation anime films recapping the events from the anime television series were released in Japan on February 25, 2017, and March 11, 2017, respectively. Season 2 of the anime television series was announced at film screenings of the second compilation film and is titled as Overlord II.

Like the previous season, Overlord II was also a thirteen episodes series, which premiered on January 9th, 2018, and covers light novel volumes 4 to 6. The opening theme is "Go Cry Go" by OxT while the ending theme is "Hydra" by Myth & Roid. On April 3, 2018, it was announced that Season 3, Overlord III, would be aired on July 10, 2018. The opening theme is "Voracity" by Myth & Roid while the ending theme is "Silent Solitude" by OxT. Overlord III began airing on July 10th, 2018 with its last released on October 02, 2018. It covers light novel volumes 7 to 9.

On May 8, 2021, in a special broadcast by the cast , it was confirmed that Season 4, Overlord IV, would soon be in production. On March 12, 2022, it was announced that the Overlord Season 4 anime TV series will be broadcast from July 5, 2022 to September 27, 2022. The opening theme is "HOLLOW HUNGER" by OxT while the ending theme is "No Man’s Dawn" by Mayu Maeshima. It covers light novel volumes 10, 11, and 14. Each season of Overlord was licensed in North America by defunct Funimation. The series is available for streaming on Crunchyroll, Hulu, Tubi, Apple TV, Prime Video, Microsoft Movies and TV, and Google TV. The first season is available on Netflix.

* Source: fandom.com